Earlier this week, Poles celebrated Polish Constitution Day, where in 1791 the “first constitution of its type in Europe” as described by historian Norman Davies was enacted. Unfortunately, the constitution didn’t last long – just over one year, until the final partition of Poland. However, since Poland re-emerged after World War I, it is now a national holiday.
If you were in Warszawa, AGAD held a viewing of the original constitution at the archive. There were also many celebrations across Polonia, including the annual Polish Parade in Chicago.
While I am not near Warszawa nor Chicago, it’s great fun to view the photos from the constituion showing on Facebook and watch the parade afterwards on YouTube. Even though rain threatened the event in Chicago, there was plenty of celebration!
How did you celebrate Constitution Day? Here in Minneapolis I visited The Buttered Tin and had their Pierogies, Egg & Sausage breakfast. Definitely worth a visit if in the area.

New Birth Indexes
It has been a while but there are new birth indexes posted. The records have also been sent to Geneteka but I post the full index on the site. You’ll find new and/or updated indexes for the following parishes in today’s Podkarpackie voivodeship:
- Cmolas Parish – Cmolas, Hadykówka, Zarębki
- Baranów Sandomierski Parish – Domacyny, Dymitrów Duży, Dymitrów Mały
- Jaślany Parish – Josefsdorf, Kolonia Tuszów
- Kolbuszowa Parish – Brzezówka, Huta Przedborska, Kolbuszowa, Nowa Wieś
- Majdan Królewski Parish – Brzostowa Góra, Dęba, Huta Komorowska, Krzątka, Majdan Królewski, Rozalin
- Miechocin Parish – Chmielów
- Rzochów Parish – Rzochów
- Stany Parish – Pietropole
- Trzęsówka Parish – Ostrowy Baranowskie
- Wielowieś Parish – Wielowieś
Happy Ancestor Searching!