Galician Poles

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Place List: Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria

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Place List: Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria, sorted alphabetically (number of total localities in parentheses):

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1. Alfredówka, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
2. Babule, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
3. Baranów, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
4. Bojanów, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
5. Borki, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
6. Borowa, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
7. Brzezówka, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
8. Brzostowa Góra, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
9. Buda Stalowska, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
10. Buda Tuszowska, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
11. Budy, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
12. Chmielów, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
13. Chorzelów, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
14. Chrząstów, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
15. Cisów-Las, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
16. Cmolas, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
17. Cygany, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
18. Czajkowa, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
19. Czermin, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
20. Dąbrowica, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
21. Dęba, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
22. Dobrynin, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
23. Domacyny, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
24. Durdy, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
25. Dymitrów Duży, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
26. Dzików, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
27. Dzikowiec, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
28. Furmany, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
29. Gawłuszowice, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
30. Giedlarowa, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
31. Gliny Wielkie, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
32. Gliny, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
33. Gnojnica, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
34. Goleszów, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
35. Gorzyce, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
36. Grębów, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
37. Grochowe, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
38. Grodzisko, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
39. Gwoździec, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
40. Gwoźnica Górna, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
41. Głogów Małopolski, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
42. Hadykówka, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
43. Hermanowa, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
44. Hucina, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
45. Hucisko, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
46. Huta Komorowska, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
47. Jadachy, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
48. Jagodnik, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
49. Janówka, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
50. Jasionka, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
51. Jaślany, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
52. Jata, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
53. Jawornik, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
54. Jedlicze, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
55. Jeziórko, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
56. Jeżowe, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
57. Josefsdorf, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
58. Kaczaki, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
59. Kiełków, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
60. Knapy, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
61. Koćmierzów, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
62. Kolbuszowa Dolna, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
63. Kolbuszowa Górna, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
   64. Kolbuszowa, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
65. Kolonia Tuszów, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
66. Komorów, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
67. Kopcie, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
68. Korabina, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
69. Kosowy, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
70. Kołaczyce, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
71. Krasne, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
72. Krawce, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
73. Krzątka, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
74. Krzemienica, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
75. Książnice, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
76. Kupno, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
77. Laski, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
78. Lipnica, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
79. Machów, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
80. Majdan, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
81. Malinie, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
82. Marki, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
83. Maziarnia, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
84. Mazury, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
85. Mechowiec, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
86. Medynia, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
87. Miechocin, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
88. Mielec, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
89. Mokrzyszów, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
90. Mrowla, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
91. Młodochów, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
92. Nadbrzezie, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
93. Nagnajów, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
94. Nart Nowy, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
95. Nart Stary, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
96. Nart, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
97. Niebylec, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
98. Niwiska, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
99. Nowa Wieś, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
100. Ocice, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
101. Ostrowy Baranowskie, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
102. Ostrowy Tuszowskie, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
103. Otałęż, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
104. Padew, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
105. Pietropole, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
106. Poddziale, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
107. Podole, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
108. Podłęże, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
109. Pogwizdów, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
110. Poręby Dębskie, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
111. Poręby Dymarskie, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
112. Poręby Majdanskie, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
113. Przbyszówka, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
114. Przecław, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
115. Przewóz, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
116. Przewrotne, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
117. Przykop, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
118. Przyszów Kameralny, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
119. Przyłęk, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
120. Pstrągowa, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
121. Pustków, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
122. Płazówka, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
123. Raniżów, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
124. Rogoźnica, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
125. Ropczyce, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
126. Rozalin, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
   127. Rozwadów, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
128. Rusinów, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
129. Rzemień, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
130. Rzeszów, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
131. Rzochów, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
132. Sadowie, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
133. Schönanger, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
134. Sędziszów, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
135. Siedlanka, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
136. Siedleszczany, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
137. Sielec, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
138. Skopanie, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
139. Ślęzaki, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
140. Smykle, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
141. Sobów, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
142. Sokolniki, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
143. Spie, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
144. Stale, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
145. Stany, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
146. Stary Rusinów, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
147. Suchorzów, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
148. Świerczów, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
149. Świlcza, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
150. Szydłowiec, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
151. Tarnobrzeg, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
152. Tarnowska Wola, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
153. Terliczka, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
154. Toporów, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
155. Trześń, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
156. Trzęsówka, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
157. Turbia, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
158. Tuszów Narodowy, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
159. Tuszyma, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
160. Ulanów, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
161. Wampierzów, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
162. Werynia, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
163. Widacz, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
164. Widełka, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
165. Wielowieś, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
166. Wilcza Wola, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
167. Wildenthal, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
168. Wisłok Wielki, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
169. Wojsław, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
170. Wola Chorzelowska, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
171. Wola Gołego, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
172. Wola Mielecka, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
173. Wola Raniżowska, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
174. Wola Rusinowska, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
175. Wola Starościńska, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
176. Wola Zgłobieńska, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
177. Zabajka, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
178. Zaczernie, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
179. Zakrzów, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
180. Zaleszany, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
181. Zarębki, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
182. Zarównie, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
183. Zarzekowice, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
184. Zgłobień, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
185. Żupawa, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
186. Łączki Brzeskie, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
187. Łąka, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location
188. Łukawiec, Rzeszów, Galicia, Austria Find all individuals with events at this location

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Researcher's Note

I make every effort to document my research. Some events have yet to be sourced but are in progress of being added.
By using this site for your own research, please cite it as a source.