Galician Poles

Opening the door to historic Polish Galicia.


 Description   Quantity 
Total Individuals 60,209 
Total Males 30,456 (50.58%) 
Total Females 29,534 (49.05%) 
Total Unknown Gender 219 (0.36%) 
Total Living 1,359 
Total Families 18,151 
Total Unique Surnames 4,495 
Total Photos
Total Documents
Total Headstones
Total Histories
Total Recordings
Total Videos
Total Sources 1,251 
Total Source Citations 190,389 
Average Lifespan1 54 years 23 days 
Earliest Birth (Marianna Smoleń 4 Apr 1655 

 Longest Lived1   Age 
Regina Babiuch  120 years 
Walenty Gancarz  116 years 
Józef Cudo  110 years 
Marie Obara  107 years 277 days 
Grzegorz Babula  105 years 
Piotr Radzimowski  105 years 
Julia Maliborski  104 years 195 days 
Hedwig Malodobra  104 years 78 days 
Kathryn Mary Plaza  103 years 241 days 
Frank Mis  103 years 146 days 

1 Age-related calculations are based on individuals with recorded birth and death dates. Due to the existence of incomplete date fields(e.g., a death date listed only as "1945" or "BEF 1860"), these calculations cannot be 100% accurate.

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Researcher's Note

I make every effort to document my research. Some events have yet to be sourced but are in progress of being added.
By using this site for your own research, please cite it as a source.