It’s been coming for a while and I’m happy to announce the death vital record search has been added to the site. My apologies that it took longer than the others, and there’s still so much that needs to be added, but I wanted to at least get something available.
Early on in my indexing journey, and for those of you who may have used my Google Sheets indexes on my prior blog, I had one free form column to put any “extra” details about the deceased that the priest may have wrote in on the death entry.

However, I decided that it was much easier to search and sort if I could break out the “notes” column into: Spouse’s Name, Father’s Name, and Mother’s Name. As you’ll see in the death indexes just posted, the information has now been broken out and is searchable.

I am still converting many of my other death indexes over to this new format so keep checking the Death Vital Record Search page to see when other indexes become available soon!
Some of you may have noticed that if you were searching for indexes with dates in the 1900s, the date field turned into a two-digit year. Yikes! I have learned so much about how CSV files read data and I think I got this figured out. In the next few days, you’ll see the birth and marriage searches will have this corrected.
So without further ado, go research and find those death records!

Cześć Heather co u Ciebie .Zawiesiłaś stronę od kwietnia niema nic nowego .Pozdrawiam Krzysiek .